Thursday 7 January 2016

Planning: Writing a Treatment

Treatment for the opening 2 minutes (including titles) of 'La Vendetta' by 'Carmen Cavanagh'
The film starts with an establishing shot of a place of worship; a church.
The camera pans outwards and 'CARMEN CAVANAGH PRODUCTIONS' appears in red and fades slowly.
diegetic sound of high heels walking is then heard along with the sound of something being dragged along the concrete floor
A high angle tracking shot is used to watch a female in red high heels walking
The angle rises and becomes a low angle shot of the character Alissa dragging a large black bag into the church grounds and then she pulls a massacred female body out of the bag and lights a cigarette
'La Vendetta' appears, also in red.
There is a flash black when the screen goes black
We hear soft piano music start to gradually get louder.
A more innocent looking version of Alissa is sitting reading a bible in church.
The beat of the music dramatically drops and more sinister sounding music arises.
She suddenly drops the bible and stares dead into the camera and we see her eye colour change from blue to red.
A point of view shot of the devil looking at Alissa and her agreeing with what the audience cannot hear.
She takes her hair down and says this is my vendetta and walks off. 

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