Friday 8 January 2016

Planning: Location planning

The location of the film opening is very important as it gives off a first impression to the audience. My opening is going to be set in a local church, the reason I have chosen this specific church is because it is kind of creepy looking, and this is the look I wanted from my location.

This is the church where my horror movie opening will be set. 
This is the inside:

It is very important that film makers consider location planning to be very serious as it is is important where the film is set. There are many things to consider when looking for a location and one main factor is space. I think the setting I have chosen provides enough space for me to create the opening of my horror movie. I am going to be using the pathway outside the church, the inside of the church and the field next to it. Another thing that must be considered is the style; my movie idea is set today so I do not have to worry about changing scenery to match different periods in time. Sound is important and I will make sure I choose an appropriate day to film my opening based on the weather and that the camera will be able to pick up sounds, if I am unable to do this then I can put pre recorded sounds into the opening when editing. Finally lighting, I have been able to evaluate which angles are good and which are bad by looking at my setting on Google earth. However the sun may be facing a different direction on the day but I am sure I will be able to get the balance correct.

Here is a video about location planning:

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