Friday 8 January 2016

Planning: Producing a Story Board

After writing my treatment it was much easier for me to visualise what my horror movie opening was going to look like;this is my storyboard
The first shot will be an establishing shot of the church
The camera will pan outwards and CARMEN CAVANAGH PRODUCTIONS will appear on the screen
A high angle close up tracking shot will be used to track the characters shoes and walking towards the church
The camera will pan outwards again reveal the character dragging a black blag into the church

She takes out the dead corpse and leaves it on the church doorstep

She then lights a cigarette and walks away


Alissa the character is reading the bible in church, and is upset. She then thinks she see's god, and drops her bible but however she is unaware it is the devil. 'God' asks her to send all the people who have wronged her to heaven.

Alissas eyes change colour to red for a couple of seconds and then back to normal, she agrees to the plan, takes her hair down and says "this is my vendetta"

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