Tuesday 29 September 2015

Preliminary Task: Creating A Story From Initial Ideas

Myself and my group decided that our preliminary task will be set in a school and because 2 in my group will be characters in the task we chose to play sixth form students. As it is set in school we chose to start our story board with an establishing shot. This sets the scene. We had to make this storyboard using 12 shots and we were give the task of the 12 shot challenge.
This is our storyboard.

Understanding and Applying Basic Terminology

This is a extreme close up.

This is a close up shot.

This is a establishing shot.

This is a extreme shot.

This is a high shot .

This is a long shot.

This is a low angle shot.

This is a mid shot.

This is a over the shoulder shot.

This is a point of view shot. 

This is a two shot.

Friday 11 September 2015

Me As A Consumer Of The Media

My favourite music artist is Drake...
although there is much dispute within the about him not writing his own music I still love him very much.

This is one of Drakes songs:

One day I hope to get married to Drake and this is what our wedding will look like:
